
Sunset Grill, Boston, MA - 8.30.2008

Visited Sunset Grill (www.allstonsfinest.com) with Emily and her roommate Dyan. I was able to try the following beers:

Ommegang Rouge (Flanders Style Sour Ale)
This immediately reminded me of Rodenbach Grand Cru both in taste and appearance.  It was served in a tulip glass and had no head whatsoever.  When held up to the light, there was a deep red color shining through.  The taste was definitely tart with a mild horse blanket flavor.  

Sierra Nevada Tourpedo (Pale Ale)
I asked a clerk at a local beverage store about this one as they had it available for growler's.   He said that he hadn't had it but thinks it was "hoppy".  This wouldn't surprise me coming from Sierra Nevada.  The taste reminded me of a less bitter version of their traditional Pale Ale.  I wish they made this available in bottles.

Hacker Pschorr Dunkel Weizen
I could barely detect any clove or banana type flavors in this one.  Huge amounts of malt.  Very drinkable.

Afterword, we visited a local beverage store and Emily picked me up a bottle of
Southampton's Abbot 12 (750 Series).  This tasted like liquid raison juice.  It was overly sweet although I don't believe I've had many Quadrupels.  I would not get it again but it was worth trying.

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